Kashmiris can determine their own political destiny: Dr. Fai

Kashmiris can determine their own political destiny: Dr. Fai

“More trade between India and Pakistan will do nothing to end the indigenous Kashmiri resistance, which is fueled by shocking human rights violations and the denial of self-determination for more than half a century. No power on earth can bargain away the rights of Kashmiris; only they can determine their own political destiny,” Fai warned.

The international community should not abandon Kashmir to the whims of India and Pakistan. They should be persuaded to permit outside intervention to resolve the Kashmir conflict. They should also be encouraged to permit the leadership of the people of Kashmir to participate as full partners in the negotiating enterprise with both India and Pakistan.

“Isn’t the demand of the people of Kashmir legitimate and recognized by the United Nations and international community? If yes, then why should the world powers prefer trade and commerce to moral values and ethical principles? Isn’t trade and commerce trampling on principles, democratic values, and human rights in Kashmir? Isn’t it a bad precedence to prefer trade to morality,” Fai asked?

Fai concluded by emphasizing the inspirational message given by President Obama to the leadership of the South Asia on October 30, 2008 when he pronounced to facilitate an understanding between India and Pakistan to help resolve the Kashmir crisis. That message needs to be fulfilled for the sake of international peace and security.

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